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About Us

Nobody finds more homes for more kids in need
The Foster Care Network™ is the leading “match-maker” for foster children. Since 1988, we have helped “match” loving families throughout the US with dedicated foster care agencies that are seeking homes for the children in their care. The result: Thousands of foster children have been placed with families that provide the love, security and parenting needed for these special children in their time of crisis.

Our beginnings
In the early 1980s, substance abuse was destroying family after family, leaving thousands of children in need of foster care. The Foster Care Network™ was formed in response to this need. Working with some of the leading child welfare agencies, we created communication programs to “tell the world” of this growing crisis and how loving families could step forward to help. And they did! In just a few short months, the results were dramatic. Hundred of foster parents were screened and qualified to care for children of all ages.

How we do it
It’s really not so hard. We quickly learned that the more families that know of the need for fostering, the more loving families will step forward to open their homes. In our early days, we found combining traditional home finding techniques with enhanced community partnerships resulted in hundreds of families contacting the Foster Care Network™ for information on fostering. Most recently, the web and social media provides the platform to reach hundreds of thousands of families with our urgent message and request for assistance.

Interested in learning more on how to become a foster parent?
It’s easy and quick. Just click here and one of our caring foster care representatives will answer all your questions and connect you with a local agency that can help start the “match-making” process. Contact us today – open your heart and your home to your community’s children.